How Testimonials Boost Real Estate Careers – And How to Get Them
Real estate sales training courses cover many elements that have to come together to create successful real estate careers, and building trust and authority with your clientele is one of them. Testimonials are a great way to achieve this. Here are some insights and tips on how to get great testimonials and use them effectively, from providers of real estate training online.
Testimonials Build Trust
Did you know that 92% of customers read online reviews and testimonials before using a service or buying a product? Or that 70% of customers trust reviews and testimonials even if the people giving them are strangers? Testimonials are so powerful, in fact, that using them properly can increase revenue by around 62%!
This is because they provide something essential – social proof – which is an important aspect covered in real estate training online. Essentially, testimonials prove that you are who you say you are. In real estate careers, this is especially important. After all, you are handling one of the most important financial decisions in someone’s life – hearing great things from other clients will let people know that they’re in the right hands.
What Does a Great Testimonial Look Like?
The most effective testimonials are authentic, that reflect your strengths or specialisations, shows how you overcome your client’s challenges, and compares you favourably with the competition.
How to Get Testimonials - ASK
In real estate training online courses, especially real estate sales training courses, this will be covered extensively – but the general rule is to ask for a testimonial whenever you have had a great experience with your client. You can ask in person or send an automated email that prompts a testimonial and even walks your client through short survey.
When you get your testimonials, put them to work! They should be prominent on your website, social media pages and even your email newsletters.
Boosting Real Estate Careers with Expert-Led Real Estate Sales Training Courses for New and Established Real Estate Agents
Global Real Estate Training is a certified provider of real estate training online for agents in Australia and Tasmania. In addition, we offer innovative, expert-led real estate sales training courses as well as property management and administration courses, meeting every training need as you progress to a fully licensed real estate agent and beyond. Contact us today and sign up for your real estate sales training course.
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